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10 Reasons Why Regulation Is Important To Us

At Dr Eve Skin clinic we have been quietly undergoing the process of becoming CQC registered which we feel is an important step for us to take. I want to explore the 10 reasons of many, we felt this would be great news for us to share. This encompasses receiving personalised care in an immaculate environment, ensuring everyone is treated with utmost respect and dignity.

Dr Eve Skin is running ahead of the curve and pending regulatory changes which are pending, by becoming open and transparent and subject to the regulator, in order to create an open and honest culture of continuous imporvement and commitment to excellence.

Why CQC Registration Matters to Dr Eve Skin:

1. Upholding Core Standards of Care:

The CQC has very specific standards for patient care, which clinics which provide medical services must uphold. Fundamental to this is the expectation that all patients accessing the clinic will receive personalised care in a safe immaculate environment, and ensuring everyone is treated with utmost respect and dignity.

2. Commitment to Quality and Safety:

Clinics regulated by the CQC pledge to provide a safe, effective, compassionate and caring service with is well led and response to the needs of it's patients. In doing this, all patients using the service can feel secure in their decision to have medical and aesthetic treatments in our clinic.

3. Rigorous Ongoing Supervision:

The CQC’s proactive approach ensures clinics consistently meet defined benchmarks, including unannounced inspections led by aesthetic experts.

4. Accountability:

CQC-regulated clinics are held responsible for upholding standards and implementing corrective measures for any identified lapses.

5. Prioritising Informed Consent:

The CQC mandates obtaining a patient’s consent before any procedure, ensuring comprehensive and pressure-free information dissemination.

6. Empowering Patients with Guided Choices:

The CQC’s transparent grading system aids potential clients in choosing their ideal clinic and evaluating criteria like safety, efficacy, care quality, responsiveness, and leadership.

7. Robust Feedback Mechanisms:

The CQC values patient feedback, promptly addressing grievances and encouraging open sharing of commendations and critiques.

8. Collaborative Endeavors:

In partnership with entities like NHS Improvement and NHS England, the CQC strives for superior patient experiences.

9. Championing Transparency:

Every clinic’s assessment report, including that of Derma Revive Skin Clinic, is accessible on the CQC website, promoting trust and openness.

10. Intervention for Excellence:

Clinics falling short of expectations face CQC interventions, from improvement directives to potential legal repercussions.

On reading this, we hope you are excited to join us in the clinic, and will appreciate the culture of safety and excellence in csre we aim to provide. We look forward to seeing you soon!

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